NAMI  (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
As part of RISE's mission, we seek to educate and bring visbility to our fellow Rotarians and to the community at large relative to issues members of the LGBTQIA+ have and continue to face.  
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), LGBTQIA+ adults are twice as likely to experience mental illness and Trans persons are four times as likely.  LGBTQIA+ youth and young adults are at a 120% higher risk for homelessness due to family rejection and these youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide.  NAMI has recently instituted a nationwide initiative related to LGBTQIA+ mental illness (click here for the initiative). 
We have partnered with NAMI Greater Los Angeles to implement educational progams that directly and indirectly serve our coummunity.  RISE supports NAMI through financial assistance and volunteer hours from club members.  
A key funded iniatiaive include the LGBTQIA+ Friends of NAMI seminars.  NAMI Family & Friends is a free 90-minute or four-hour seminar that informs people who have loved ones with mental health condidtion on how to best support them.  It is also an oppotunity to meet other people in similar situations and gain community support.  These seminars focus on suicide awareness and prevention.  RISE also supported a mental health care booth at the Los Angeles Marathon on March 17, 2024.  Finally, RISE supported the development of support groups for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their families in partnership with NAMI.  See the Resources page for links to the Support Groups.


On June 11, 2024, approximately 70 members and guests remotely viewed the documentary, "Wonderfully Made." The fundraiser earned over $3100. 

The movie documents the impact of the Catholic Church on society and the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community (or the lack thereof).  This movie focuses on the intersection of religion with the LGBTQ+ identity.

More information about the film, the team responsible for producing and creating the film, awards, and other references, check out the website

Fundraiser: CURED

Our first fundraiser was the viewing of the acclaimed documentary, CURED.  Nearly 100 club members and guests viewed the movie remotely on March 21, 2023. The fundraiser earned nearly $3700.  A QnA session was held after the film with the producers and directors.

The movie documented the campaign by gay men, lesbians, and their allies to remove homosexuality from the American Psychiatris Association manual of mental illnesses. 

More information about the film, the team responsible for producing and creating the film, awards, and other references, check out the website

Volunteer Opportunity: SPY

Members partook in helping SPY (Safe Place for Youth) organize clothing drives and storage.  RISE also donated funds to help the organization purchase a clothes dryer to replace the one SPY currently had.  
SPY provides street outreach, case management, education, employment health and wellness, and housing services to Los Angeles area youths that are homeless or at risk to being homeless.  Youths experiencing homelessness encounter many issues such as neglect, abuse, mental illness, and criminalization to name a few.  This translates into a host possible of life time issues.
To learn more about the issues of youth homelessness and available solutions and services, check out SPY's website at